But when i downloaded 5gb torrent, and when i tried to extract rar archive, i found a notepad file and another rar archive. Meybe they wanted to enhance the PC version i thought, and this could be leaked version like Halo 4 was leaked. I thought that meybe PC port will come with WiiU version.

I got Wii version of game but i thought that if i want to record gameplay, it would be easier with PC version so i decided to check the torrent out. But i saw many torrent links that claim to be Giants PC Version. So i was wondering does PC version even exist? Well Aura24 answered it to me. I checked ebay and amazon and same thing. However, i checked all of my local stores and i couldnt find PC version.

Like all of you know, Giants was said on many websites to be on PC and MAC and many sites like IGN still claim that Giants was realased on PC as well. i know that this site isnt best place to talk about torrents but i must say something to warn others. OK before you replay, here is what i need to say.